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More About Nic

Though he has always had a deep curiosity and passion about the meaning and complexities of theology, spirituality, and life together in this universe, most of Nic's story has revolved around music.  His performing career included singing professionally with organizations like the John Alexander Singers, Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, Metropolitan Opera new composition workshops, Pacific Symphony, and the LA Philharmonic. 

He grew up Missouri Synod Lutheran, but Unitarian Universalism found him when he was hired as a church musician at the UU Congregation of Shelter Rock in 2007. His relationship with the UU faith continued to be nurtured while working alongside Rev. Jack Donovan as Music Director at UU St. Pete; a role he was honored to embrace shortly after he moved to Tampa Bay to manage operations for the Florida Orchestra in 2013. 

His official faith formation began at Meadville Lombard Theological School in 2017, finally answering the call to ministry he had been screening for years. While attending Meadville, Nic was blessed to do his ministerial internship at the Unitarian Society of SB with his mentor Rev. Julia Hamilton, earning his Master of Divinity degree in June 2020. 

In October 2020, Nic was invited into preliminary fellowship as a Unitarian Universalist Minister.  In March 2021, he was ordained by UUSP and USSB.  Soon after, he and his family moved to Georgia in the summer of 2021 to begin his first full-time ministry at the UU Church of Augusta. What an ever-emerging journey!

While the beauty of music, art, and creativity remain fundamental to his ministry, it brings him true pleasure to facilitate the responsible search for meaning central to a religious life and to work with others toward Beloved Community. Amplifying relational wholeness - Love - with all that is known and unknown in this beautiful and awe-full interdependent web of existence of which we are a part.

More about Nic: About

©2020 by Nicholas J Filzen 

[Like Nic, this site is always under construction.]

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